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To fix uneven wood-cuts, generally, you can re-measure, then re-cut, using a suitable saw and fence or track.
There aren’t many things in woodworking that are more annoying or frustrating than realising that your wood has been unevenly cut. I can feel you facepalming as you read this and don’t worry; you’re not alone.
But there’s no reason to throw out that piece of stock just yet because there are some ways that you can fix the problem. In this guide, we’ll be going over these in detail. We will also provide you with some valuable information on how you can make sure that you get a clean, even cut every time.
Fixing An Uneven Tenon And Mortise Joint
If there is anything in woodworking that needs to be perfect, it’s a mortise and tenon joint. If these aren’t cut exactly then you won’t get a tight fit and the joint will be pretty much useless. But this is one of the things that a lot of people, especially beginners, find themselves faced with on a regular basis.
A lot of people simply reach for the wood glue and fill in the gaps. Alright, you can do this and it’ll hold everything where it should be but it’s certainly not the best method. What you should do is to slide a small piece of wood into the gap and glue it down. You’ll need to then clamp it to the tenon and when it’s dry, you can have another go at cutting it; this time without making it uneven!
Help! – I’ve Cut The Board Too Short!
We’ve all been there. We’ve cut a board only to realise that we’ve taken off too much wood. You could be forgiven for thinking that it’s game over and while it’s always better to measure twice and cut once, there may still be some hope.
This method will typically be better suited to boards that have been cut only a little too short. If you’ve cut way too much off then you’ll probably have to start over. Frustrating, but woodworking is always a learning curve.
Let’s assume you’re only off by an inch or two; you can drill pocket holes into the piece of wood along three of its sides. Now you’ll need to take some strips of wood that are equal to the bit you cut off and drill pocket holes into these too. Connect these to your main piece of wood using pocket hole screws and as they say ‘job’s a good’un!’
Fixing Gappy Face Frame Joints
Another common problem that a lot of new woodworkers find themselves facing is face frames that are gappy. It’s very easy to miscut these when you’re learning and if they’re not spot on, they won’t have a tight fit. But there is a way to solve the problem without having to start all over again.
Now, keep in mind that this method only works if your face frames are slightly off. Usually by no more than about 1/32 of an inch.
You’ll use some pipe clamps and you’ll also need glue and ¼ inch dowels. Take your clamps and secure a set of stiles so that there are no gaps. While you don’t have to use the dowels as reinforcement, this can help to provide a stronger overall structure.
How To Make Sure You Cut Wood Evenly
It’s all well and good knowing how to fix problems when they arise but in an ideal world, you’d never make an uneven cut. But let’s face it, woodworking presents us with opportunities to learn all the time so if you’ve made mistakes, you’ll certainly know how to avoid them next time.
Of course, learning how to ensure a good cut (almost) every time; you are human, after all, is essential. So here are some great tips for getting it spot on.
Pay Less Attention To The Numbers
When you buy a piece of lumber, it’ll have details of the measurements on it. Let’s use a standard 2 x 4 as an example. Grab one, if you have one to hand and also pick up your tape measure. I’ll put money on it that it’s not exactly 2 inches by four inches, am I right?
This isn’t uncommon. In fact, in almost every instance, wood won’t be cut exactly to the measurements advertised. When you’re planning a project, this isn’t helpful but a lot of people aren’t aware of this so they’ll assume the measurements are correct and cut accordingly.
To avoid problems from the off, be sure to measure the wood yourself and this will better allow you to plan a perfect cut that isn’t too short or uneven.
Marking Your Wood
If you’re able to cut in a straight line freehand then consider yourself a master and put down this article because you don’t need it. But for us mere mortals, this is the stuff of dreams so marking the wood is an important step in getting a straight and even cut.
Take your time when doing this. There’s no rush. Unless you’ve had a piece commissioned by royalty that has to be ready tomorrow!
If you are cutting square then you’ll need to make sure that all sides are evenly marked. Start by using a square to mark the line on one edge of the wood. Now turn the wood around and repeat this same mark on all edges. Failing to mark each edge could result in your blade deviating off course but with markings in place, you’ve always got a clear idea of where you’re cutting.
Cutting With A Fence
One of the most surefire ways to get a straight and even cut is to use a fence. Some powered saws come with a built-in fence but if yours doesn’t, you can easily make one using a perfectly straight piece of wood.
Getting your woodworking projects perfect is essential. Nobody wants to end up with something that doesn’t look professionally done. However, it is not uncommon for beginners to have problems, especially where getting an even cut is concerned. While there are ways that you can fix this, it’s always better to take your time and properly plan your cut so that you get a neat, straight and beautiful cut every time.